The Hardest Lesson for Startups to Learn

17 Травня, 2006    ·    < 1 min read

Paul Graham, an essayist, programmer and programming language designer, just wrote a very interesting essay on the hardest … Продовжити читання “The Hardest Lesson for Startups to Learn”


Startup Kit

16 Травня, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

You have a brilliant idea for a product and may even have found the technical resources to build … Продовжити читання “Startup Kit”


Entrepreneurs or the invisible men of the economy!

19 Березня, 2006    ·  3 minutes

As an economist at heart and by training, I found the following article in The Economist fascinating as … Продовжити читання “Entrepreneurs or the invisible men of the economy!”


California Calling

24 Лютого, 2006    ·  2 minutes

I spent the past two weeks in the Bay Area. I am happy to report that the spirit … Продовжити читання “California Calling”


Entrepreneurship: The Game

19 Січня, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

As a champion of entrepreneurship, I can only applaud the charitable Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, headed by Carl … Продовжити читання “Entrepreneurship: The Game”


A Eulogy to Rong Yiren

13 Січня, 2006    ·  2 minutes

While I never knew him, I would much have liked to. Rong Yiren was a true entrepreneur. Rong’s … Продовжити читання “A Eulogy to Rong Yiren”


Investment Banking Fees

6 Січня, 2006    ·  2 minutes

My post praising the value of investment bankers led to a number of e-mails asking for the parameters … Продовжити читання “Investment Banking Fees”


In Praise of Investment Bankers

28 Грудня, 2005    ·  3 minutes

Investment bankers have often decried as adding little value and adding complexity to otherwise simple sale processes. I … Продовжити читання “In Praise of Investment Bankers”


Fund Raising 101

19 Грудня, 2005    ·  4 minutes

Looking back, I realize how little I really knew about fund raising when I started Aucland. It seemed … Продовжити читання “Fund Raising 101”


Entrepreneurs Everywhere :)

5 Грудня, 2005    ·  < 1 minute

The guiding theme of my current vacation is to meet entrepreneurs from the world over. As my travels … Продовжити читання “Entrepreneurs Everywhere :)”


International Idea Arbitrage

29 Листопада, 2005    ·  3 minutes

An international idea arbitrage is a concept I coined in the mid-1990s (apologies in advance to whomever might … Продовжити читання “International Idea Arbitrage”


9 Business Selection Criteria

28 Листопада, 2005    ·  4 minutes

As I am entering a new stage of my life, the time has come to pull from my … Продовжити читання “9 Business Selection Criteria”


The End of a Journey, the Beginning of a New One

28 Листопада, 2005    ·  < 1 minute

Over the past four and half years, I have had the pleasure to share a wonderful journey with … Продовжити читання “The End of a Journey, the Beginning of a New One”

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