The Next Evolution: AI-Powered Marketplaces

24 maja, 2016    ·    4 min read

By Güimar Vaca Sittic and Fabrice Grinda Online marketplaces are fascinating. Matching demand and supply seems mundane, but … Czytaj dalej „The Next Evolution: AI-Powered Marketplaces”


The problem with rental marketplaces

28 września, 2015    ·  4 minutes

By Guimar Vaca Sittic Most of the successful peer-to-peer marketplaces are purchase-oriented. The graph below categorizes some of … Czytaj dalej „The problem with rental marketplaces”


Understanding Vertical Marketplace Innovation

24 sierpnia, 2015    ·  3 minutes

By Guimar Vaca Sittic It’s already common knowledge that the latest wave of marketplaces are vertical plays attacking … Czytaj dalej „Understanding Vertical Marketplace Innovation”


Building Marketplaces

27 stycznia, 2015    ·  < 1 minute

I gave a few speeches last year on building marketplaces. I covered the evolution of marketplaces, what it … Czytaj dalej „Building Marketplaces”


Infrastructure for Marketplaces: The Shovels and Picks of the End-to-End Marketplace Gold Rush!

8 września, 2014    ·  4 minutes

by Guimar Vaca Sittic Building marketplaces is really hard. The hardest nut to crack is building liquidity: having … Czytaj dalej „Infrastructure for Marketplaces: The Shovels and Picks of the End-to-End Marketplace Gold Rush!”


Fantastic article on how to build trust in modern marketplaces to achieve liquidity

9 kwietnia, 2014    ·  < 1 minute

Anand Iyer, the Chief Product Officer of Threadflip, just wrote a thoughtful blog post on how to build … Czytaj dalej „Fantastic article on how to build trust in modern marketplaces to achieve liquidity”


The Evolution of Marketplaces

8 kwietnia, 2014    ·  3 minutes

In the early days of the web Craigslist’s horizontal listing based marketplace was all things to all people … Czytaj dalej „The Evolution of Marketplaces”


Bill Gurley’s thoughts on marketplaces are a must read!

4 czerwca, 2013    ·  < 1 minute

As you can probably imagine given my recent blog post, Thoughts on building successful vertical marketplaces, marketplaces have … Czytaj dalej „Bill Gurley’s thoughts on marketplaces are a must read!”


Thoughts on building successful vertical marketplaces

27 marca, 2013    ·  6 minutes

As you know, I love operating and investing in marketplaces. It’s been interesting over the years to observe … Czytaj dalej „Thoughts on building successful vertical marketplaces”

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