바기라의 세상이었고, 우리는 그 안에서 살았습니다.

8월 29, 2017    ·    5 min read

개에 대한 저의 사랑은 잘 알려져 있지만(안녕 하버드!), 바기라만큼 저에게 의미 있는 개는 없다는 것을 인정하지 않을 수 … 더 보기 “바기라의 세상이었고, 우리는 그 안에서 살았습니다.”


자산 관리에 대한 비전통적 접근 방식

6월 19, 2017    ·  5 minutes

이 블로그 게시물은 운이 좋은 극소수의 기업가에게만 해당되는 내용이기 때문에 비꼬는 것처럼 보일 수 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. … 더 보기 “자산 관리에 대한 비전통적 접근 방식”


2016: an amazing year (really)

1월 17, 2017    ·  4 minutes

I went 0 for 4 on election predictions (Brexit, Duterte, Colombian peace, Trump), and was wrong about the … 더 보기 “2016: an amazing year (really)”


NOAH 2016 Keynote: Confessions of an Accidental Angel

12월 1, 2016    ·  < 1 minute

I had the privilege of giving a keynote at NOAH. I shared FJ Labs’ vision and unconventional approach … 더 보기 “NOAH 2016 Keynote: Confessions of an Accidental Angel”


Some thoughts on Trump’s surprising win

11월 10, 2016    ·  4 minutes

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Connie Loizos from Techcrunch yesterday. Unsurprisingly the conversation rapidly veered … 더 보기 “Some thoughts on Trump’s surprising win”


Apparently I am the top French business angel of 2016!

10월 14, 2016    ·  < 1 minute



Technology and the Future of Work

7월 11, 2016    ·  5 minutes

Technological progress continues unabated. The astonishing rate of growth has fueled heated debates about implications on the future … 더 보기 “Technology and the Future of Work”


My Rematerialized Life

5월 17, 2016    ·  9 minutes

In October 2014, at the end of my Update on the Very Big Downgrade, I explained that the … 더 보기 “My Rematerialized Life”


Life in 2030

11월 5, 2015    ·  7 minutes

I was recently interviewed by Alliancy to discuss the world in 2030. I am transcribing it below for … 더 보기 “Life in 2030”


Great birthday wishes from Dazeinfo: Happy Birthday Fabrice Grinda: The Extraordinary Tech Entrepreneur

8월 5, 2015    ·  3 minutes

Dazeinfo wrote a really nice article for my birthday full of surprisingly accurate information. I recreated the blog … 더 보기 “Great birthday wishes from Dazeinfo: Happy Birthday Fabrice Grinda: The Extraordinary Tech Entrepreneur”


Why I chose Cabarete

7월 21, 2015    ·  3 minutes

After 7 years permanently on the road for OLX, I longed to decrease business travel. Sadly, the insanity … 더 보기 “Why I chose Cabarete”


The wonderful world of mobile apps!

7월 1, 2015    ·  2 minutes

I have to admit that my ability to live and travel light is greatly facilitated by the extraordinary … 더 보기 “The wonderful world of mobile apps!”


에셋 라이트 리빙

6월 26, 2015    ·  2 minutes

뉴욕 타임즈 기사 이후 많은 분들이 제가 거주하고 여행하는 전체 물품 목록을 문의해 주셨습니다. 여행 가방과 배낭을 포함한 … 더 보기 “에셋 라이트 리빙”


Some Thoughts on the New York Times Styles Section Article

6월 18, 2015    ·  8 minutes

This goes to show there is no such thing as bad press. I made the cover of the … 더 보기 “Some Thoughts on the New York Times Styles Section Article”


2014: An Epic Year!

1월 22, 2015    ·  5 minutes

Like in 2013, I spent most of 2014 living with the consequences of the life changing decisions I … 더 보기 “2014: An Epic Year!”


FIAF Interview

1월 20, 2015    ·  < 1 minute

I was interviewed by Jean-Christian Agid for the FIAF event last December. We talked about everything and anything: the nature of entrepreneurship, life philosophy, the importance of culture in our lives and much more.

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