Team Extreme en Antarctique

avril 25, 2023    ·    14 min read

Il y a dix-huit mois, j’ai été contacté par mon ami Kevin Ryan qui m’a invité à le … Continuer la lecture de « Team Extreme en Antarctique »


Pourquoi ?

mars 21, 2022    ·  9 minutes

Cette semaine, j’étais à Finse, en Norvège, pour m’entraîner en vue d’une prochaine expédition polaire. L’entraînement consistait à … Continuer la lecture de « Pourquoi ? »


Kiting in Half Moon Bay is spectacular!

mars 2, 2021    ·  < 1 minute

I have been in awe of the color of the water in Turks ever since I set eyes … Continuer la lecture de « Kiting in Half Moon Bay is spectacular! »


The Best Gadgets to Film your Ski Exploits

février 18, 2020    ·  3 minutes

As many of you know I am addicted to skiing fresh powder. Every winter I head to the … Continuer la lecture de « The Best Gadgets to Film your Ski Exploits »


Avoid Death in the Desert: 75 Packing List Essentials for Burning Man

août 23, 2019    ·  2 minutes

As Burning Man is upon us, I wanted to share with all of you a packing list to … Continuer la lecture de « Avoid Death in the Desert: 75 Packing List Essentials for Burning Man »


A Week in Paradise: Snow & 20 Below :)

février 12, 2019    ·  2 minutes

I am very grateful my parents introduced me to skiing when I was young and that I was … Continuer la lecture de « A Week in Paradise: Snow & 20 Below 🙂 »


Greenland is awe inspiring!

avril 27, 2017    ·  < 1 minute

I had the pleasure of heli skiing in Greenland with EA Heli. The setting was mind boggling. I … Continuer la lecture de « Greenland is awe inspiring! »


Skiing is Divine!

mars 7, 2017    ·  < 1 minute

There is something magical about floating on powder. I find that it’s an amazing way to hack my … Continuer la lecture de « Skiing is Divine! »


Why I chose Cabarete

juillet 21, 2015    ·  3 minutes

After 7 years permanently on the road for OLX, I longed to decrease business travel. Sadly, the insanity … Continuer la lecture de « Why I chose Cabarete »


Asset Light Living

juin 26, 2015    ·  2 minutes

À la suite de l’article paru dans le NY Times, vous avez été nombreux à me demander la … Continuer la lecture de « Asset Light Living »


I love skiing!

mai 13, 2015    ·  < 1 minute

Here is a personal ode to skiing while I eagerly await the next season and healed knees.


Showing off my improved kiting skills :)

février 25, 2015    ·  < 1 minute


There is something magical about skiing in powder!

février 24, 2014    ·  < 1 minute

It’s hard to describe why, but somehow I find the sensation of gliding in untracked powder quasi-spiritual. For … Continuer la lecture de « There is something magical about skiing in powder! »


The skiing beach bum in me is intrigued :)

juin 9, 2013    ·  < 1 minute

As you might have noticed from previous posts, I love skiing. As I am living in Cabarete these … Continuer la lecture de « The skiing beach bum in me is intrigued 🙂 »


I have a confession to make: I am addicted to white powder!

avril 6, 2013    ·  < 1 minute

No not the kind you are thinking about. I am talking about the much more expensive and dangerous … Continuer la lecture de « I have a confession to make: I am addicted to white powder! »


Kalalau: Valley of the Lost Mangos (and Hidden Paradise)

novembre 15, 2010    ·  8 minutes

Between my new girlfriend Laura’s repeated ravings about Kalalau and National Geographic’s beautiful pictures, I had no choice … Continuer la lecture de « Kalalau: Valley of the Lost Mangos (and Hidden Paradise) »

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