Rogue French trader Jerome Kerviel was forced to work 30 hours a week!
enero 30, 2008 ·
< 1 min read
Friends of rogue trader Jerome Kerviel last night blamed his $7 billion losses on unbearable levels of stress … Continuar leyendo «Rogue French trader Jerome Kerviel was forced to work 30 hours a week!»
An optimist’s perspective: the party system in the US works!
enero 25, 2008 · 2 minutes
I had the pleasure of attending yet another one of Mark Gerson’s phenomenal Shabbos dinners two weeks ago … Continuar leyendo «An optimist’s perspective: the party system in the US works!»
Shocking research on continental European economics teaching
enero 8, 2008 · < 1 minute
A recent article in the Financial Times showed that French and German schoolbooks demonize enterprise. As the article … Continuar leyendo «Shocking research on continental European economics teaching»
The End of Inequality
diciembre 30, 2007 · < 1 minute
As I wrote in a recent article (Capitalism and Democracy), despite decreases in global inequality because of economic … Continuar leyendo «The End of Inequality»
Einat Wilf, Danny Gillerman and Israel
noviembre 14, 2007 · < 1 minute
I had the pleasure of listening to my good friend Einat Wilf ( speak on the future of … Continuar leyendo «Einat Wilf, Danny Gillerman and Israel»
Capitalism and Democracy
noviembre 11, 2007 · 3 minutes
I recently came across an article entitled “How Capitalism is Killing Democracy” by Robert Reich. The article is … Continuar leyendo «Capitalism and Democracy»
A Different Perspective on the Global Economy
octubre 20, 2007 · 3 minutes
Last February I blogged about how excess petrodollar liquidity was creating bubbles all around the world and how … Continuar leyendo «A Different Perspective on the Global Economy»
Bloomberg for President
julio 27, 2007 · < 1 minute
It occurred to me a year ago that Bloomberg would make a great president. He has been a … Continuar leyendo «Bloomberg for President»
Read Tony Blair’s essay in The Economist
junio 15, 2007 · < 1 minute
Tony Blair is probably the most gifted politician of his generation. He is smart, open minded and a … Continuar leyendo «Read Tony Blair’s essay in The Economist»
Fear and uncertainty in the time of prosperity
mayo 24, 2007 · 3 minutes
By most measures these are the best of times. We live longer, healthier lives than ever before. Our … Continuar leyendo «Fear and uncertainty in the time of prosperity»
Only in France!
mayo 2, 2007 · < 1 minute
I just came across a book written about a 45 year old Frenchman. He owns a large studio … Continuar leyendo «Only in France!»
The French Presidential Election
abril 22, 2007 · 2 minutes
Despite the fact that quality of life is actually very good in France, there is clearly a French … Continuar leyendo «The French Presidential Election»
The Immigration Non-Issue
abril 7, 2007 · < 1 minute
Regardless of where you stand on immigration, demographic shifts in Mexico will render the issue meaningless in the … Continuar leyendo «The Immigration Non-Issue»
What’s going on in China: An introduction to macro-economics
febrero 28, 2007 · 3 minutes
Before I begin, let’s start with a few basic macro-economic foundations. A country can either control its interest … Continuar leyendo «What’s going on in China: An introduction to macro-economics»
Macro Perspectives on Global Liquidity: How Chinese Farmers and Oil Sheiks are Subsidizing American Consumption and its Implications
febrero 23, 2007 · 5 minutes
If you were an economist arriving from Mars and looked at capital flows around the world, you would … Continuar leyendo «Macro Perspectives on Global Liquidity: How Chinese Farmers and Oil Sheiks are Subsidizing American Consumption and its Implications»
A different perspective on global warming
febrero 15, 2007 · 3 minutes
Global warming seems to be on the mind of many these days. There is no denying that the … Continuar leyendo «A different perspective on global warming»
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