Learning from Steve Case

May 1, 2007    ·    2 min read

I had the pleasure to listen to Steve Case speak at a General Catalyst event in Boston. It … „Learning from Steve Case“ weiterlesen


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Positive Psychology in Action

May 1, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

The advent of positive psychology, as mentioned in my recent posts on happiness, is leading to a revolution … „Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Positive Psychology in Action“ weiterlesen


The French Presidential Election

April 22, 2007   ·  2 min read

Despite the fact that quality of life is actually very good in France, there is clearly a French … „The French Presidential Election“ weiterlesen


Must love dogs :)

April 21, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Dogs rule! I suppose everything I am about to say will sound cliché as most dog owners say … „Must love dogs :)“ weiterlesen


The Tribulations of a Child of the Internet

April 20, 2007   ·  4 min read

My computer recently crashed and as I was restoring my files, I came across an article I wrote … „The Tribulations of a Child of the Internet“ weiterlesen


The Immigration Non-Issue

April 7, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Regardless of where you stand on immigration, demographic shifts in Mexico will render the issue meaningless in the … „The Immigration Non-Issue“ weiterlesen


You must read Crimes against Logic

March 25, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Jamie Whyte’s angry and witty rant against the rhetoric, faulty reasoning and misinformation we are subjected to from … „You must read Crimes against Logic“ weiterlesen


Morality in Primates

March 22, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

The New York Times had a very interesting article on morality in primates. As many primates display empathy, … „Morality in Primates“ weiterlesen


Youtube: I told you so :)

March 18, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

In a previous post (http://www.fabricegrinda.com/?p=120), I mentioned that my biggest concern with the Google / Youtube deal was … „Youtube: I told you so :)“ weiterlesen


Glück und die Gefahren des Glaubens an das geschriebene Wort :)

March 13, 2007   ·  3 min read

Es ist interessant, wie leichtgläubig wir Menschen sind. Wenn wir etwas lesen oder in einem Dokumentarfilm sehen, sind … „Glück und die Gefahren des Glaubens an das geschriebene Wort :)“ weiterlesen


The Science of Happiness

March 12, 2007   ·  2 min read

I recently came across an interesting article on the science of happiness in Harvard Magazine recounting the emergence … „The Science of Happiness“ weiterlesen


Inside Facebook is a fun, quick read that allows you to experience the startup spirit!

March 11, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Reading the book, I felt like I was reading about the first two years of almost every startup … „Inside Facebook is a fun, quick read that allows you to experience the startup spirit!“ weiterlesen


Why people believe in God

March 7, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

The NY Times just published a great article called “Darwin’s God” discussing why people believe in God. It’s … „Why people believe in God“ weiterlesen


Warren Buffet’s 2006 Letter to his Shareholders

March 4, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

I have been a fan of Warren Buffet’s letter to his shareholders for many years. It is clear, … „Warren Buffet’s 2006 Letter to his Shareholders“ weiterlesen


What’s going on in China: An introduction to macro-economics

February 28, 2007   ·  3 min read

Before I begin, let’s start with a few basic macro-economic foundations. A country can either control its interest … „What’s going on in China: An introduction to macro-economics“ weiterlesen


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