Greenlights is shockingly interesting and insightful!

When several of my friends recommended Greenlights to me, I must admit that I was very skeptical. What could Matthew McConaughey, an actor best known for cheesy romantic comedies, possibly have to say that is interesting and compelling? It tuns that the answer is quite a lot!

The book is a treatise on the art of living masquerading as an autobiography. It’s raw, authentic, fun, funny, and heartfelt. It’s joyful and full of love for life! I am not well versed in the origin or life stories of other Hollywood actors, but this one really surprised me. From the modest origins to the choices made along the way and lessons learned, nothing about his life is what I would have expected.

Beyond the fascinating journey and life story, the greenlights philosophy of pursuing your passion, taking opportunities that present themselves, and going with the flow really resonated. It’s eerily similar to the way I lead my life and make important decisions. Do not compromise on leading a balanced, happy, passionate and purposeful life! I can only hope that my eventual treatise on how to lead an epic life be as well written and received as this one.

Read it, or even better listen to Mathew McConaughey narrate the audiobook. You won’t be disappointed!

Announcing FJ Labs’s Next Partner: Jeff Weinstein

I am excited to announce that we are promoting Jeff Weinstein to Partner at FJ Labs!

Here at FJ Labs, we have always sought to build an intellectually diverse team that is obsessed with startups, founders, technology and the future of commerce. Spend just a couple of minutes with Jeff and you will transform into a “VentureBoi” yourself! He exudes a contagious passion for entrepreneurship and eats, sleeps and breathes venture capital.

Jeff’s connections to FJ go back over a decade, when he first met our venture partner Guimar at an undergrad entrepreneurship conference. Fast forward five years when we started to grow FJ Labs into an institutional fund, and a serendipitous reunion led to Jeff joining us in Spring 2017.

Prior to joining FJ, Jeff spent four years at Lux Capital, where he learned firsthand how to build and scale a world-class, institutional venture fund. This unique set of skills and experience has made Jeff an integral part of the FJ Labs team. Prior to that, he studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Pennsylvania and spent two years working at the hedge fund Dunbar Capital.

Jeff now co-heads the investment team at FJ with our Partner Arne, and manages our external LP fundraising efforts. During his 4.5 years with us, he has led more than 150 of our investments and has helped us scale into an institutional venture platform with over $500M of AUM ($300M+ from prominent institutional, family office and corporate LPs). 

Jeff has spearheaded many of our fintech and proptech investments, serving as a board observer for our incubations Properly and Mundi, and leading our investments in e-commerce rollup startups globally like Razor Group, Valoreo, and more. Jeff also worked closely with Jose to opportunistically restructure our investment in Brazil’s #2 online travel agency Viajanet, and has become our resident “SPACboi” – I recommend you watch his Playing with Unicorns presentations on SPACs: What’s the Deal with SPACs and So You Want to Launch a SPAC?

Constantly curious, Jeff has continued to develop his knowledge of venture investing by joining Class 24 of the prestigious Kauffman Fellows Program. He published research w/ our associate Luke on Opportunity Funds, directly informing the strategy and structure of our new Archangel Fund.

Outside of FJ, Jeff is a competitive runner for the Central Park Track Club. He has run a pretty insane 2:30 marathon and 4:05 mile (but still needs improvement in his tennis and Starcraft). He is a loving husband and new dad to Annie, and always brings life to the party… no FJ dance floor is the same without him 🙂

We are excited to bring Jeff into the partnership at FJ Labs, and look forward to scaling the firm with him for many years to come.

Congratulations Jeff!!

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